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Hello everyone,

Five weeks down and about 12 weeks to go. This past week was supplementals week in the Senate. Most of the 31 supplemental bills were heard in Appropriations on Tuesday, passed on second reading on Wednesday, and passed on third and final reading in the Senate on Thursday. The Department of Public Safety supplemental bill – SB 129 – which includes several standard mid-year adjustments, passed unanimously. The supplemental bills now move to the House where they are likely to follow a similar schedule this coming week.

On Friday, the House and Senate met for Military Appreciation Day. During this annual event, the House adopted resolutions honoring Gold Star Families, honoring and recognizing the contributions of Colorado veterans of World War II and the Vietnam War, and recognizing the 55th anniversary of the capture of the USS Pueblo, as well as others. The Senate is anticipated to take up and pass the same resolutions early next week.

So far, there have been 342 bills introduced – 193 in the House and 149 in the Senate. Only 84 days until the General Assembly is required to adjourn sine die.

Bill Skewes

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