
90th Anniversary collection

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We’re celebrating
90 years serving the people of Colorado…

We’ve created special 90th anniversary badges for you to wear and collect. Make sure you take this opportunity to get in on the celebration. 

Our collectable and wearable badge collection for Troopers, Port of Entry,
Civilian & Retired Employees

In 2025, the Colorado State Patrol will celebrate its 90th Anniversary.  In honor of this prestigious milestone, Colonel Matthew Packard has authorized a commemorative badge and hat badge to be personally purchased by select current and retired Colorado State Patrol members.  Colonel Packard has also authorized current members of the patrol to wear the 90th Anniversary badge and hat badge on their uniforms from January 1, 2025, to December 31st, 2025.

The badge and hat badge will be available for purchase through the Colorado State Patrol Association’s website on May 15th, 2024.  Production time for the badges could be up to five (5) months.  Only badges ordered by June 15th, 2024, are guaranteed to arrive before January 1, 2025.  Be sure to order your badge or hat badge early to take advantage of lower pricing (see details below). The last day to order badges and hat badges will be December 31st, 2025.

The badges are available for purchase by:

  • Currently sworn peace officers of the Colorado State Patrol. 
  • Retired members who were sworn peace officers at the time of their retirement and who retired in good standing.  
  • The family of those members of the Colorado State Patrol who were killed in the line of duty.

The hat badge is available for purchase by:  

  • All current and retired members of the Colorado State Patrol, both civilian and sworn, can purchase the hat badge. 
  • The family of those members of the Colorado State Patrol who were killed in the line of duty. 

Members can order as many badges as they like.  However, the Colorado State Patrol reserves the right to limit the purchase if it appears the purchaser is buying with the intent to resell.  The agency will contact the purchaser directly if they believe the intent is to resell the items. 


*All purchasers must sign the Badge Purchase Agreement form to complete their purchase.  The Colorado State Patrol (agency) will review and approve ALL badge purchases prior to the order being sent to the manufacturer. 

Trooper Badge 

All ranks available, Colorado State Patrol 

The 90th Anniversary Trooper badge is the same size as the currently issued badgeA special commemorative 90th Anniversary centerpiece replaces the traditional state seal centerpieceA 1935-2025 ribbon replaces the traditional “Nil Sine Numine ribbon below the badge’s centerpiece. Each current and retired member may purchase a badge for each rank they have held in their career up to their current rank or rank at retirement.

The most senior current member of each rank and most senior retired member of each rank at the time of their retirement, shall have the option of having their badge(s) display the number one (1) on the front of the badge on the bottom point as it is on our current badge. 

Current and retired troopers will have the following badge choices to choose from: Patrolman, Trooper, Master Trooper, Technician, Corporal, Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Sergeant Major, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lt. Colonel, Deputy Chief, & Chief.

The badges are available for purchase by:  

  • Currently sworn peace officers of the Colorado State Patrol.  
  • Retired members who were sworn peace officers at the time of their retirement and who retired in good standing.   
  • The family of those members of the Colorado State Patrol who were killed in the line of duty. 

*You can only purchase badges for the rank you currently hold or ranks that you have previously held.  You cannot purchase badges for ranks you believe you might hold in the future.

*Members can order as many badges as they like.  However, the Colorado State Patrol reserves the right to limit the purchase if it appears the purchaser is buying with the intent to resell.  The agency will contact the purchaser directly if they believe the intent is to resell the items.  

*All purchasers must sign the Badge Purchase Agreement form to complete their purchase.  The Colorado State Patrol (agency) will review and approve ALL badge purchases prior to the order being sent to the manufacturer.

Trooper Badge Prices: 

May 15, 2024, to December 31, 2024
CSPA Member Price: $115.00 per badge
Non-Member Price: $140.00 per badge 

January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025*
CSPA Member Price: $160.00 per badge
Non-Member Price: $185.00 per badge  

*Price increase is from the manufacturer

Port of Entry Badge

Officer, Colorado State Patrol

The 90th Anniversary Port of Entry badge is the same size as the currently issued badgeA special commemorative 90th Anniversary centerpiece replaces the traditional state seal centerpieceEach current and retired Port of Entry member may purchase a badge for each rank they have held in their career up to their current rank or rank at retirement.  A member who was a POE Officer but is now a Trooper can buy both types of badges.

*Members can order as many badges as they like.  However, the Colorado State Patrol reserves the right to limit the purchase if it appears the purchaser is buying with the intent to resell.  The agency will contact the purchaser directly if they believe the intent is to resell the items. 

*All purchasers must sign the Badge Purchase Agreement form to complete their purchase.  The Colorado State Patrol (agency) will review and approve ALL badge purchases prior to the order being sent to the manufacturer. 

Port of Entry Badge Prices:

May 15, 2024, to December 31, 2024
SPA Member Price: $115.00 per badge
Non-Member Price: $140.00 per badge 

January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025*
CSPA Member Price: $160.00 per badge
Non-Member Price: $185.00 per badge 

*Price increase is from the manufacturer 


Port of Entry

Supervisor, Colorado State Patrol

Port of Entry

District Supervisor, Colorado State Patrol

Hat Badge 

Troopers, Port of Entry, & Civilian, Colorado State Patrol

The 90th Anniversary Hat Badge is the same size as the current issue hat badge.  The hat badge has a 90th Anniversary number and ribbon over the flying wheel above a 1935-2025 banner.  

All current and retired members of the Colorado State Patrol, both civilian and sworn, can purchase the hat badge.  

The family of those members of the Colorado State Patrol who were killed in the line of duty may also purchase the hat badge.   

*Members can order as many hat badges as they like.  However, the Colorado State Patrol reserves the right to limit the purchase if it appears the purchaser is buying with the intent to resell.  The agency will contact the purchaser directly if they believe the intent is to resell the items. 

*All purchasers must sign the Badge Purchase Agreement form to complete their purchase.  The Colorado State Patrol (agency) will review and approve ALL badge purchases prior to the order being sent to the manufacturer.  

Hat Badge Prices: 

May 15, 2024 to December 31, 2024
CSPA Member Price: $87 per badge
Non-Member Price: $112 per badge  

January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025*
CSPA Member Price: $120 per badge
Non-Member Price: $145 per badge 


Other items publicly available

and Pin


Commemorative Belt Buckle

Frequently asked questions:

When does the badge purchase opportunity end?

The last day to purchase a badge or hat badge is December 31, 2025Colonel Packard has only authorized the 90th Anniversary badge and hat badge to be worn on CSP uniforms from January 1, 2025, to December 31st, 2025. 

OMG! Why are the badges so expensive?

If you don’t like the price of the badges now, wait until you see the prices for the 100th Anniversary in 2035All joking aside, the Association is providing the badges to you at the lowest price possibleMembers of the Association, both current and retired, get a discounted price on the badges as a benefit of membershipFor example, for the 75th Anniversary badges in 2010, the member price for a badge was $75.00The non-member price was $100.00The price of goods has increased in the last 14 yearsIn fact, prices have increased dramatically for all of us in the last 3 years. 

Why does the price of the badges go up significantly on January 1, 2025?

The badge price increase on January 1, 2025, is coming from the manufacturer of the badges, Sun Badge, and is outside the control of the Colorado State Patrol AssociationThat’s why the CSPA is encouraging everyone to make their purchases early to secure the best pricing for the badges in 2024 before the price increase. 

I’m a current member of the Association, but I’ve never logged into my account before, and I don’t know my password.

Here’s the easiest way to login for the first time and create a password of your choice. 

  1. Click on, or paste in your browser, the link to the login page:  https://costatepatrol.org/my-account/ 
  2. On the ‘Your Account’ login screen, click on ‘Lost your password?’ in the box on the left. 
  3. Enter your personal email address on file with the Association and click ‘Reset Password’. 
  4. An email will be sent to your personal email address for you to create your new password.  If you don’t see the email in your inbox, then please be sure to check your spam/junk folder. 

I’m a member of the Association. I created my account on your website, but my discount is not being applied to my purchase.

The Association must create your membership account for your 20% discount to workIf you create a membership account on your own via the website, your discount won’t work. 

I’m a current active member of the Association, why can’t I use my @state.co.us email address for my member account?

The Colorado State Patrol Association is a separate entity from the State Patrol and cannot use the state’s email system.  As a member of the Association, you can never use your @state email address for your Association member accountThis allows the Association to send political or other types of information that would be considered inappropriate by state government rules. 

What happens if the Colorado State Patrol (agency) doesn’t approve my purchase?

The purchaser will be refunded the purchase amount if the Colorado State Patrol (agency) disapproves the purchase. 

Per the badge purchase terms & conditions: 

  • The Colorado State Patrol (agency) reserves the right to limit the purchase (quantity) if it appears the purchaser is buying with the intent to resell.  The agency will contact the purchaser directly if they believe the intent is to resell the items. 
  • The Chief of the Colorado State Patrol shall have the final say in determining and approving: 
  • The eligibility of all purchasers and purchases of badges and hat badges, to include, but not limited to, determining if a retired member is eligible to purchase a 90th Anniversary badge and hat badge. 

How do I pay for my badge purchase?

Badge purchases can only be paid via credit card through the Colorado State Patrol Association’s websiteThe badges can only be purchased online through the Association’s store. 

Why do I have to buy the badges online through the Association’s store?

The Colorado State Patrol Association is the only authorized seller of the 90th Anniversary badgesThe purchases must be made online via our website because the purchaser is required to sign and consent to the Purchase Agreement before the order can be submitted. 

Can I pay for the badges using PayPal, Venmo, or personal check?

No. The badges can only be purchased using a credit/debit card through our website. 

Can you email me an order form?

No. All badge and hat badge orders must be submitted via our online store.  An electronic Badge Purchase Agreement must be signed for all badge orders.   

I don’t have a credit or debit card, what do I do?

Most retail stores (Walmart, Target, King Sooper, Walgreens, etc…) sell prepaid Visa cardsPurchase a prepaid Visa card for an amount that is slightly more than your estimated total cost of purchaseThe prepaid Visa card will allow you to make an online purchase  

I ordered my badge. When will it arrive?

It may take up to 5 months to get your badgeThe badge manufacturer will wait until they have enough badges on order before they do a production run of our 90th Anniversary BadgesOnly badges and hat badges ordered before June 15th, 2024, are guaranteed to be delivered before January 1, 2025. 

Can I have somebody pick up my badge for me?

Yes. A member can arrange to have their badge(s) picked up by a designated person.  Prior arrangement must be made with the Association’s Administrative Staff before the badge(s) will be released to a designated person.  A badge release form must be signed by the member before the badge is released.  Badges will be released to Sergeants and above without a badge release form.  To request a badge release form, email the Association at support@costatepatrol.org

How do I join the Colorado State Patrol Association?

Any employee, sworn or civilian, of the Colorado State Patrol is eligible to become an employee member of the associationYou can easily join the CSPA online and get the member discount by clicking here: JOIN NOW 

I’m a retired member of the Colorado State Patrol Association (formerly known as the ACSPP & PPA). How do I get my 20%-member discount?

  • Many retirees of the CSPA, ACSPP, & PPA do not have member accounts on our website, mostly because we don’t have the personal email address for the retiree.
  • We can create a retired member account for you. Simply follow the steps below:
    • Go to the very bottom menu on any page of our website and click on “Contact Us”.
    • Fill in the form with your first & last name, your email address, and let us know in the comment section that you want a retiree member account. Please add a phone number so we can contact you if we have any questions, but it’s optional. Then click Submit.
    • We will create your retiree member account within 24 hours Monday through Friday.
    • We will send you an email with your account information and instructions on how to login to your account to get your discount.
    • Remember, you must be logged into your association member account at the time of purchase to receive your 20%-member discount.
  • Note: The Association must create your membership account for your 20% discount to work. If you create a membership account on your own via the website, your discount won’t work.

I forgot my member account password.

Forgot your password?  No problem.  Simply follow these steps: 

  1. Click on, or paste in your browser the link to the login page: https://costatepatrol.org/my-account/ 
  2. On the ‘Your Account’ login screen, click on ‘Lost your password?’ in the box on the left. 
  3. Enter your PERSONAL email address on file with the Association. 
  4. An email will be sent to your personal email address for you to create your new password.  If you don’t see the email in your inbox, then please be sure to check your spam/junk folder. 

Why does the Colorado State Patrol (agency) have to approve my badge purchases?

The 90th Anniversary badges are authorized to be worn on Colorado State Patrol uniforms in 2025.  The badges are a symbol of authority and must be safeguarded to ensure that only the proper authorized personnel have them.  Each badge and hat badge will have a unique serial number stamped on them.  The serial number of each badge or hat badge will be recorded and associated with the purchaser’s name for accountability purposes.  To complete the badge or hat badge purchase, the purchaser must acknowledge and consent to the badge or hat badge purchase agreement.  The Purchase Agreement states that the purchaser agrees to: 

  • The anniversary badge(s) purchased by the member shall at all times be held by the member in compliance with all applicable laws and policies of the Colorado State Patrol.   
  • The member agrees not to resell, trade, or auction the Colorado State Patrol Anniversary Badge(s) that they have purchased to the general public and the transfer of the badge(s) will only be to family members, current or retired Patrol members, or to the Colorado State Patrol. 
  • The member agrees to hereby forever discharge, hold harmless, release and covenant not to sue the Colorado State Patrol, their officers, employees, agents, heirs, personal representatives, and assigns, from any and all liability resulting from any loss, damage or injury that may be occasioned by my use, handling, maintenance or storage of the badge(s) purchased hereunder.

Per the badge purchase terms & conditions: 

  • The Chief of the Colorado State Patrol shall have the final say in determining and approving: 
  • The eligibility of all purchasers and purchases of badges and hat badges, to include, but not limited to, determining if a retired member is eligible to purchase a 90th Anniversary badge and hat badge.  
  • The Colorado State Patrol (agency) reserves the right to limit the purchase (quantity) if it appears the purchaser is buying with the intent to resell.  The agency will contact the purchaser directly if they believe the intent is to resell the items.

Can I cancel or change my order?

Orders cannot be canceled or changed once they are submitted.  It’s very important that you carefully review your order before submitting it. 

I don’t have a computer and/or internet service.

Internet access is now more widespread than ever beforeMost public libraries have public internet serviceIf you are unable to find internet service for your purchase, please send us an email at support@costatepatrol.org, and we will work together to help you find a solution. 

Selecting to have the badge or hat badge shipped for delivery is highly encouraged.

Badges and hat badges will be delivered to the Association’s store at 55 Wadsworth Blvd. Once the badges and hat badges have been processed, they will be available for pick-up.  However, the Association’s store is only open one day a week for a few hours on most Thursdays.  Family Foundation staff members who work in the building will not have access to the badges and will not be able to assist you in retrieving any badges that are waiting to be picked up.    

Badges & hat badges will be shipped via UPS and will include a tracking number.  Badges shipped via UPS do not have to be signed for upon delivery. 

I selected to pick up my badge or hat badge in person, but I can’t make it to 55 Wadsworth Blvd. Can I have my order shipped to me?

YesEmail us at support@costatepatrol.org with your shipping requestBe sure to include your name and order numberWe will send you an invoice for the shipping cost via SquareOnce the invoice is paid online, we will ship your order and email you the tracking number information.

Badges & hat badges will be shipped via UPS and will include a tracking number.  Badges shipped via UPS do not have to be signed for upon delivery. 

Join the celebration and purchase your items today!

Patches and Insignia

Challenge Coins

Wearable Collector Badges

Place Your Order Here…

*Top Seniority? (Only select “1” if you are or were R1, S1, C1, etc…  Select “None” if not applicable)

90th Anniversary Collection Hat Badge90th Anniversary Collection Hat Badge$112.00
90th Anniversary Collection Port of Entry Officer Badge90th Anniversary Collection Port of Entry Officer Badge$140.00
90th Anniversary Collection Port of Entry Supervisor Badge90th Anniversary Collection Port of Entry Supervisor Badge$140.00
90th Anniversary Collection Port of Entry District Supervisor Badge90th Anniversary Collection Port of Entry District Supervisor Badge$140.00
90th Anniversary Collection Patrolman Badge90th Anniversary Collection Patrolman Badge$140.00
Add to Cart
90th Anniversary Collection Trooper Badge90th Anniversary Collection Trooper Badge$140.00
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90th Anniversary Collection Master Trooper Badge90th Anniversary Collection Master Trooper Badge$140.00
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90th Anniversary Collection Technician Badge90th Anniversary Collection Technician Badge$140.00
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90th Anniversary Collection Corporal Badge90th Anniversary Collection Corporal Badge$140.00
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90th Anniversary Collection Sergeant Badge90th Anniversary Collection Sergeant Badge$140.00
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90th Anniversary Collection Master Sergeant Badge90th Anniversary Collection Master Sergeant Badge$140.00
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90th Anniversary Collection Sergeant Major Badge90th Anniversary Collection Sergeant Major Badge$140.00
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90th Anniversary Collection Lieutenant Badge90th Anniversary Collection Lieutenant Badge$140.00
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90th Anniversary Collection Captain Badge90th Anniversary Collection Captain Badge$140.00
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90th Anniversary Collection Major Badge90th Anniversary Collection Major Badge$140.00
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90th Anniversary Collection Lt. Colonel Badge90th Anniversary Collection Lt. Colonel Badge$140.00
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90th Anniversary Collection Deputy Chief Badge90th Anniversary Collection Deputy Chief Badge$140.00
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90th Anniversary Collection Chief Badge90th Anniversary Collection Chief Badge$140.00
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90th Anniversary Collection (Shipping & Handling)90th Anniversary Collection (Shipping & Handling)$20.00
1 Item | $20.00

(If you want your badges shipped to you, please make sure you purchase the additional $20.00 shipping and handling option)

*Please be aware that you will be required to agree to the badge purchase agreement terms and conditions before your badge order can be processed.

Badge Purchase Agreement

In consideration of being able to purchase a Colorado State Patrol’s 90th Anniversary Badge, I agree to the following restrictions.

  • The anniversary badge(s) purchased by me shall at all times be held by me in compliance with all applicable laws and policies of the Colorado State Patrol.
  • I agree not to resell, trade, or auction the Colorado State Patrol Anniversary Badge(s) that I have purchased to the general public and the transfer of the badge(s) will only be to family members, current or retired Patrol members, or to the Colorado State Patrol.
  • I hereby forever discharge, hold harmless, release and covenant not to sue the Colorado State Patrol, their officers, employees, agents, heirs, personal representatives, and assigns, from any and all liability resulting from any loss, damage or injury that may be occasioned by my use, handling, maintenance or storage of the badge(s) purchased hereunder.
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