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Hello everyone,

We are getting close to the halfway point in the session. On Tuesday evening, the House Judiciary Committee heard testimony on HB 1135 Offenses Related to Operating a Motor Vehicle. HB 1135 will increase the penalty for operating a commercial vehicle without a CDL, increase the penalty for failing to comply with a lawful warrant to draw blood, and increase the time someone is required to use an interlock device. HB 1135 is a State Patrol agenda bill and is also supported by the CSPA. Marianne Goodland from Colorado Politics wrote an article about HB 1135 and the hearing that you can read here.

Chief Packard, Sheriff Tyler Brown of Arapahoe County, together with representatives from Mothers Against Drunk Driving and the Colorado Motor Carriers Association, as well as family members of people killed by drunk drivers and those driving without a CDL testified in support of the bill. Unfortunately, HB 1135 still faces a difficult path in the House Judiciary Committee and was laid over for action only. Rep. Matt Soper (R-Delta) and Rep. Marc Snyder (D-Manitou Springs), the sponsors of HB 1135, are continuing to work on amendments to address committee member concerns and we will continue to lobby the committee.

Figure setting for the State Patrol’s budget for next year was delayed again. I anticipate it will happen early this week. So far, there have been 523 bills introduced – 353 in the House and 170 in the Senate. Only 65 days until the General Assembly is required to adjourn sine die.

Bill Skewes

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