We Continue Our Mission...
The 2025 legislative session is underway, and the Colorado State Patrol Association is busy down at the state Capital working on addressing the needs of our members and our agency.
This year, the CSPA is continuing our work to ensure that the Trooper Pay Statute is funded as required. The CSPA is also monitoring and supporting legislation that improves traffic safety on Colorado’s roadways.
At the start of last year, the Colorado State Patrol was suffering from high rates of trooper attrition. Non-competitive salaries, caused by the improper funding of the Trooper Pay Statute, hampered the patrol’s ability to hire new troopers and retain the experienced troopers it already employed. Traffic fatalities were at a record high. Thanks to your support, we were able to change all that. Funding was approved to bring trooper salaries in line with what is required in the Trooper Pay Statute. By the end of 2023, the state patrol saw a significant drop in trooper attrition rates, and an increase in the number of new troopers hired. In fact, 2023 was the first year since 2019, that the state patrol was able to hire more troopers than it had lost. Traffic fatalities decreased for the first time since 2019 from their record high in 2022.
Despite our successes in 2024, there is still much more to do in 2025. The latest salary survey has shown that trooper salaries have again dropped below what is required in the Trooper Pay Statute, and traffic fatalities involving pedestrians reached a record high 2023. Your support is crucial in helping us fix the issues we currently face.
-Colorado State Patrol Association
About #ISupportCSP
#ISupportCSP was created to educate and inform people of the challenges facing the Colorado State Patrol and its employees.
The patrol consists of more than just our troopers. Our ranks include Port of Entry Officers, Communication Officers, and our Professional Staff members. Each of our unique units work with one goal in mind…to save lives.
Now, more than ever, Colorado needs a strong and effective state patrol. In 2023, 716 people died on Colorado’s roadways. Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there. Pedestrian and bicycle fatalities in 2023 increased significantly from 2022.
Your help and support are paramount to our success.
Trooper Pay
The latest salary survey shows trooper pay has again fallen below what is required in the Trooper Pay Statute…
In the late 1990’s, the Colorado State Patrol faced the same crisis with trooper staffing levels that it faces today. The CSP was unable to hire new troopers or retain the experienced troopers it already employed due to uncompetitive salaries. To address the critically low numbers of State Troopers, the CSP worked with a bipartisan group of law makers to create what is known as the “Trooper Pay Bill.” The bill was designed to ensure that the State of Colorado and the CSP would always remain competitive, in regard to pay, with city and county law enforcement agencies to ensure adequate trooper staffing levels on our roadways. The Trooper Pay Bill was passed into law in July of 2000. Known formally as C.R.S 24-50-104(1)(a)(III)(A), C.R.S., the statute states regarding trooper pay:
“…the amount of salary shall be at least ninety-nine percent of the actual average salary provided to the top three law enforcement agencies within the state that have both more than one hundred commissioned officers and the highest actual average salary.”
If the Trooper Pay Statute exists, then why are troopers still underpaid compared to other Colorado law enforcement agencies? The answer is in the Department of Personnel and Administration’s (DPA) inconsistent interpretation of the Trooper Pay Statute for over two decades.
A couple of years ago, after years of not following the Trooper Pay Statute, Colorado started to see the same problem (i.e., well-trained troopers were leaving the State Patrol to work at other law enforcement agencies at significantly higher salaries). Beginning last year, the CSPA worked with the DPA to create a process that will hopefully ensure the Trooper Pay Statute is met each year. This process starts in the summer when CSPA meets with DPA and communicates which three departments the CSPA believes are the highest paid for each state trooper job class. To determine these departments, the CSPA conducts its own salary survey. DPA then conducts its own analysis as part of its Annual Compensation Report.
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Last year, DPA’s salary survey showed, “Overall pay comparison shows State Troopers are 10.8% below the weighted market average (weighted by class size) for the top three law enforcement jurisdictions within the State of Colorado.” Those salary increases were included in last year’s Long Bill. On July 1, 2023, the salary increases went into effect and trooper salaries became competitive with other law enforcement agencies. The statistics show that when properly applied, the Trooper Pay Statute works. Last year’s pay increase has already yielded successful results for trooper retention and hiring. Since the pay increase went into effect, the number of troopers who voluntarily left the state patrol from July to December of 2023 dropped by 50% when compared to the same period in 2022. In fact, 2023 was the first year since 2019 that the state patrol has hired more people than it has lost.
We seem to be back on track. However, The FY 2024-25 Annual Compensation Report indicated state trooper job classes were between 0.9% and 10.2% below the 99% threshold in the Trooper Pay Statute. Those increases were included in the State Patrol’s salary survey request for FY 2024-25. It is important that these salary increases are included in this year’s Long Bill and become law, because as the General Assembly said back in 2000 when they passed the law, “to maintain appropriate salaries for state troopers and to increase retention rates of troopers in order to ensure that a well-qualified state patrol force is serving the residents of Colorado.”
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News & Updates About This Issue...
On Tuesday, March 5th, 2024, the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) finally got to figure setting for the Department of Public Safety’s budget for next year. The JBC approved both State Patrol decision items. The first provides additional money to improve the State Patrol’s recruiting efforts and the second provides additional professional staff to free up uniformed staff to focus on their primary duties. However, the most important item was the approval of the State Patrol’s salary survey request to fund the Trooper Pay Statute. This is only the beginning of the process, and the budget has a long way to go before it is final, but the current level of funding should be sufficient to bring the averages of all trooper job classes to 99% of the three highest paid law enforcement agencies in Colorado. DPA calculated these average increases for FY 2024-25 as follows:
State Patrol Cadet: 6.1%
State Patrol Trooper I: 0.9%
State Patrol Trooper II: 4.2%
State Patrol Trooper III: 4.8%
State Patrol Supervisor I (Corporal): 8.8%
State Patrol Supervisor II (Sergeant): 10.2%
State Patrol Admin I (Captain): 6.8%
State Patrol Admin II (Major): 3.6%
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