Our family Supporting yours...
Every day, Colorado State Troopers help people. We help protect the citizens of our state, and safeguard the motoring public that travels our roadways. We are the guardians of Colorado’s well-being. It’s a tall order, and it demands a high degree of professionalism, courage, and commitment.
The Colorado State Patrol Association is the guardian of the men and women who have accepted the challenge to provide professional law enforcement services to the people of Colorado. The Association’s membership is comprised of Troopers, Port of Entry Officers, Communication Officers, Capitol Security Guards and Civilians.
The Colorado State Patrol Association’s Vision Statement is:
“To be a strong association with a committed, elected leadership team that supports, informs, and advocates for our members and the potential challenges to their compensation, benefits, and the retirement security that they have earned.”
Click on the “Become A Member” button below to learn more about the Colorado State Patrol Association’s benefits and start your membership today.
Over 85 years of history...
Previously known as the Patrol Protective Association, or “PPA”, and then ACSPP, we have served our members since 1936 , providing benefits and protective features that cannot be supplied by the Colorado State Patrol.
Providing support to CSP employees and their families
2025 Legislative Agenda
My name is Bill Skewes, and I am the contract lobbyist for the CSPA. As part of the CSPA’s website, I will be posting updates for our members about what is going on at the state Capital during the legislative session.
The First Regular Session of Colorado’s 75th General Assembly will convene on January 8th, 2025, and is scheduled to adjourn on May 8th, 2025. The CSPA’s focus is always on compensation, benefits, and retirement security. This session, our efforts will be targeted on increasing salaries for our members and amending the current workers’ compensation law to ensure the financial well-being of surviving spouses of troopers who are killed in the line of duty.
I anticipate there will be 500 to 600 bills introduced this session, and I will review each one to determine if it will impact the CSPA membership. In addition, I will continue to work with legislators and our partners in the law enforcement community to ensure the interests of the CSPA membership are well-represented at the Capitol.
-Bill Skewes
A Memorial to our fallen heroes...
The Colorado Law Enforcement Memorial is located in a small grove of trees at the State Patrol Academy, located at 15055 South Golden Road, Golden, CO, 80401. The memorial was erected in 1979 as a tribute to Colorado’s fallen peace officers.
Each May, a ceremony is held to honor the officers listed on the memorial and to add any new names from the previous calendar year.