PLEA Group Legal Defense is the legal defense for association members. As a member, this valuable policy provides you with 24-hour coverage for both duty-related civil, criminal, and administrative actions. “Plan A” of the HR-218 legal defense coverage, and an additional $5,000 of Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage are included in the plan. This optional benefit is $13.75 per month, and is a small price to pay for peace of mind protection. The benefit is available to both sworn and civilian members.
24 Hours a Day – 7 Days a Week – 365 Days a Year
I hereby apply for enrollment in the PLEA Legal Defense Fund and Participation in the PLEA Trust. I agree to abide by all terms and conditions
thereof. I understand that no benefit is in effect until this Enrollment Form is approved by the Plan Administrator. To my knowledge, I am not
presently named in any suits, actions, or proceedings, nor under investigation for a duty-related incident, except the following for which there
would be no benefit under the Plan: